Break down jobs so techs don’t do extra service for free (like connecting external devices)

13 votes

All TV mounting jobs come with some amount of free work (unboxing new TV, connecting a cable box, programming a Comcast remote, etc) but this varies significantly from home to home. If the job is properly broken down, the customer can select additional services and pay for it. It’s not fair to connect multiple (cable box, home theater, Apple TV, game box, etc.) and test everything, all for free. People don’t even know how to use or setup their TVs (especially Roku, which requires creating an account), so I have to. TV mounting should be just that. If the customer wants the TV setup with wifi, or the Comcast remote programmed to it, or ensure audio goes out to home theater system, or learn how to use the apps on the TV, all should be listed separately on the job at an additional cost. Customers expect great service, so I don’t want to charge extra if it wasn’t disclosed upfront.
This also applies to computer support jobs where people use one $69 visit to solve a zillion issues.

Under consideration Suggested by: Doh Upvoted: 20 Feb Comments: 0

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