Offer helper jobs via app for TV mount jobs that require two techs

19 votes

For TV mount jobs that require two techs (if it's an above the fireplace or a larger than 55" TV and the customer declines to help lift), after a tech is assigned the job, offer a helper role (with only info about what is needed and how much time is required to other techs in proximity beforehand (or onsite if info incorrect on job itself). Also, once the main tech and helper tech have been assigned their roles and been scheduled, allow schedules for two techs (the main tech and helper tech) to coordinate (ie: updated arrival times/rescheduling, and the ability for the helper tech to decline if unavailable at time needed, and for main tech to send out again if assigned helper tech is no show or declines job).

I've had many TV mount jobs where the customer has been told by customer service that two techs will be arriving, and there is no explicit way to designate (or compensate) if two techs are required, only the size in inches (and not weight of TV) and if customer can't help lift.

Under consideration Suggested by: Tim Watson Upvoted: 05 Dec, '23 Comments: 0

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